Our BASIC Subscription Has Been Discontinued...
If you’ve reached this page then you are probably one of the thousands of people who have either opted to select our BASIC free subscription OR your regular paid subscription has expired. We’re sorry to announce, but we have decided to discontinue the BASIC free subscription since we can no longer continue to provide the level of quality information we’ve become known for at no cost. Every year we spend tens of thousands of dollars to gather, verify and then display the information about upcoming events. We’ve absorbed the cost of this as more or less a “public service” helping thousands of exhibitors finding just the right events.
Currently we only have online subscriptions available as we have suspended publication of the print copy due to the uncertainty the COVID19 virus has created. We’re updating hundreds of shows every week! As fast as the new events come in and the cancellations are received we update the database and that information is available to you immediately. We just can’t do that in print! And if we did print you wouldn’t be happy anyway. We need about a six week lead time to print and by the time you would receive the book it would be outdated!
We still do have our paid subscriptions available starting at just $9.95 per month and we welcome both new members as well as those for whom it’s time to renew! We look forward to having you as part of our family of subscribers! If you need help with the online version please let us know. Most of the time we can work with you for a few minutes and you’ll be a real PRO at finding the perfect event for your needs.
Daniel F. Lewis – Where The Shows Are!!!